Saturday, November 22, 2014

Famous Last Words Week 14: Winding Down

I finally feel that my semester is on the downward slope now! Today, I just finished the whole interview process for the Rhodes Scholarship, and although I wasn't chosen, I'm glad I'm past that hurtle. Now, there are just a few things that stand in my way when it comes to finishing this semester. I will admit that I'm going to have to figure out how to get much of my senior thesis written in a few weeks. Given that I will have the Thanksgiving break to work on it, I believe I'll be able to make it work. It'll just depend on much much coffee and will I have!

Having said that, I'm just now remembering that I have another medical school interview coming up right after the semester ends. I'll have to fly all the way up to Rochester, which I'm willing to bet will be as cold as the bottom of Dante's Inferno. Nevertheless, I look forward to the opportunity to get a perspective on another medical school. After coming down to Houston for the Rhodes interview, I feel pretty accustomed to stressful interview situations. By now, I should feel pretty confident!
A much tamer version of the winter weather I could be seeing in Rochester, New York in December. Found at
Beyond that, I'm eager to finish the semester with a full sense of vigor and vitality. I feel a desire to read and write more frequently. I want to dedicate more of my time to getting to know new people. Overall, I want to take these last few months of college to polish myself off as a person, you might say. After all, if I do end up going to medical school, free time is going to be a little difficult to come by. I hope I will still be able to quench my thirst for many of my interests as I continue my education. For now, though, I am willing to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. Argh, I am bummed for you about the Rhodes of course... but I know you will be keeping your eyes/ears open for chances to travel abroad. As a medical student I am guessing you would have lots of opportunities like that, getting to offer your skills to people in other places, and learning from them in turn. Happy writing over the break! :-)
